We will be following sound requirements listed in the SCCA Solo Rule book Appendix I (p. 310) .


Warning Limit: 96 dBA
Max Limit: 100 dBA


If a driver exceeds 96 dBA, a warning will be given to the driver/vehicle as a courtesy. No action needed.
Starting in the 2023 season, if a vehicle exceeds 100 dBA, an adjustment will need to be made BEFORE the next RUN (could be the co-driver). A 10-minute mechanical can be used in order to complete an adjustment.


If the first adjustment does not reduce the sound level below 100 dBA that run will result in a DNF. A 2nd adjustment will be allowed. If the sound level exceeds 100 dBA again, that run will be a DNF and any remaining runs will be scored as DNS.

New for 2024:

A heads up for all running NWOR events. As normal in the region, we are following the National Plan for event operation.
In this case we are following the new sound procedures.
Sound measurement readings will now be made using dBc weighting (was dBa).
If a sound reading is over 100 dBc, the competitor will be notified as soon as reasonably possible. No action is needed from the competitor.
If a sound reading is over 108 dBc, the competitor will be notified they need to made a correction/adjustment to their exhaust to try and reduce it below 108 dBc.
Next year (2025) the SCCA sound commitee is proposing a limit of 105 dBc.


Adjustable direction exhaust exits to laterally aim the exhaust output away from the sound meter position is not allowed. Adjustable directional exhaust exits may only be aimed straight up, straight down or straight back.

If you have any questions / concerns about these results, contact the Sound Chief.